Saturday, March 7, 2009

Positive Thinking Lesson Plan I

Decide What It is that You Want

The first step toward positive thinking is to determine what positive is for you. Where does your unique combination of talents, experience and dreams lead you? What is positive for you may have little meaning for someone else, or even be negative. This is your journey, so you choose the destination.

The first assignment then, is to decide what it is that you want. Decide what you want to be, to do, to have—the whole works! See where you are now, and imagine your ideal self in the future.

To accomplish this, Observe yourself as you are now. As you observe yourself, realize that the “real you” is doing the observing, and that you are evolving all the while. Develop your Observer self.

Meditate. Find a quiet and relaxing time and place to do this. Allow yourself to enter into a meditative state. See the link for "Oprah's 10 minute mind Spa" for some help in entering a meditative state.

Pray for guidance and wisdom in discovering your mission in life. Allow ideas and images to come forth: of what you want to accomplish in the future, what you want to be part of. Listen for that "still small voice" within.

As you observe yourself, meditate, and pray for direction in your life you will discover what course to pursue. You will be ready to take-- in fact already have taken-- your first step.


  1. Oprah sends a suggestion:

    coincidently, I received one of Oprah's emails today, with a timely suggestion about finding your passion:
    Thank you, Oprah!

  2. Ekhart tolle Agrees, even insists, on the beneficial effect of meditation and in developing an "Observer". In this way we escape the incessant "mind chatter" from the past that imprisons us. Our consciousness can then partake of the universal "Power of Now".
