Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lesson 1 cont’d

Discovering Your Mission in Life

You were put on this earth for a Purpose: your search for, and pursuit of, that Purpose will define who you are, and what you will accomplish in your life. It makes good sense to spend time discovering what this, your life’s mission, is. Take time each day to consider what this Mission is, adjust your vision of it- even change it as necessary.

There are some essential ingredients to consider.
• Your mission should have an eternal aspect. A mission must have something beyond even the loftiest goal.
• Your mission should also be your passion.
• It should be beyond your current reach, but not beyond your ultimate reach. In NLP there is a technique, future pacing, that involves imagining yourself at some time into the future. Imagine yourself at a far distant time when you have developed beyond your current self. If all things were possible, what purpose would you pursue?

Finally, your mission must be defined so you will indeed know when you are on the right Path. In NLP language- it should be a “well formed outcome”. For help with this, and in setting goals in general, visit:

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